Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Lady Gaga - Musisi Amerika Serikat Lady Gaga menceritakan kalau sewaktu menjadi seorang murid sekolah akting di New York dirinya pernah mendapat perlakuan tidak adil dari gurunya

Kate Moss - Model cantik Kate Moss, boleh saja menjadi model terpopuler dunia dalam satu dekade terakhir. Tapi tahukah Anda, jika dia benar-benar membenci jadi model?

Paris Hilton - Artis Paris Hilton, 28 tahun, memutuskan mengakhiri kebiasaan berpesta. Menurutnya, menghabiskan malam di klub sangat mengganggu dan memupuk kebiasaan hidup brutal.


Mayat berjalan, tidak hanya menjadi cerita dari Mamasa. Rupanya di Toraja pun ada cerita-cerita yang sama. Berikut ini cerita seorang blogger, pengalamannya menyaksikan mayat berjalan.
Sebagai orang Toraja asli, saya sangat sering ditanya oleh teman2 tentang uniknya kebudayaan Tana toraja khususnya tentang fenomena mayat berjalan. saya sendiri lahir dan tumbuh besar di Tana Toraja sehingga saya mengetahui tentang adat & kebudayaan di Tana Toraja walaupun tidak menguasai secara keseluruhan tentang asal usul dan segala macam tetek bengek adat Toraja.
Cerita mayat berjalan sudah ada sejak dahulu kala. ratusan tahun yang lalu konon terjadi perang saudara di Tana toraja yakni orang Toraja Barat berperang melawan orang Toraja Timur. dalam peperangan tersebut orang Toraja Barat kalah telak karena sebagian besar dari mereka tewas, tetapi pada saat akan pulang ke kampung mereka seluruh mayat orang Toraja Barat berjalan, sedangkan orang Toraja Timur walaupun hanya sedikit yang tewas tetapi mereka menggotong mayat saudara mereka yang mati, karena kejadian tersebut maka peperangan tersebut dianggap seri. pada keturunan selanjutnya orang-orang Toraja sering menguburkan mayatnya dengan cara mayat tersebut berjalan sendiri ke liang kuburnya.
Fenomena “Mayat berjalan” itu saya sendiri pernah menyaksikannya secara langsung. kejadian tersebut terjadi sekitar tahun 1992 (saya baru kelas 3 SD). pada saat itu di desa saya ada seorang bernama Pongbarrak yang ibunya meninggal. seperti adat orang Toraja sang mayat tidak langsung dikuburkan tetapi masih harus melalui prosesi adat penguburan (rambu solo’). saat itu setelah dimandikan mayat sang ibu diletakkan di tempat tidur dalam sebuah kamar khusus sebelum dimasukkan kedalam peti jenasah. pada malam ketiga seluruh keluarga berkumpul untuk membicarakan bagaimana prosesi pemakaman yang akan dilaksanakan nanti. saat itu saya duduk di teras rumah maklum anak-anak jadi suka mondar mandir. namun setelah rapat selesai (sekitar jam 10 malam), tiba-tiba ada kegaduhan dalam rumah dimana beberapa ibu-ibu berteriak -teriak. karena penasaran saya berusaha melongok ke dalam rumah dan astaga sang mayat berjalan keluar dari dalam kamar, kontan saja saya dan teman2 saya berteriak histeris dan berlari menuruni tangga. saya berlari dan mendapatkan ayah saya sambil histeris ketakutan. setelah itu saya langsung dibawa pulang kerumah oleh ayah dan saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya. Keesokan harinya kejadian tersebut rupanya cukup heboh diperbincangkan oleh warga dan informasi yang saya dengar bahwa Pongbarrak yang melakukan hal tersebut. konon dia iseng aja untuk membuat lelucon pada malam itu.
Pada zaman sekarang sudah sangat jarang orang Toraja yang mempraktekkan hal tersebut walaupun masih banyak generasi yang memiliki ilmu seperti itu. akan tetapi mereka masih sering mempraktekkannya pada binatang seperti ayam atau kerbau yang diadu dalam keadaan leher terputus. Binatang seperti kerbau yang sudah dipotong kepalanya dan dikuliti habispun, masih bisa dibuat berdiri dan berlari kencang, mengamuk kesana sini!

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010


yg diatas yg paling gua suka...:D

gila gua mau bgt camera lomo!!!lucu-lucu bgt!!!!!nih gua kasih foto-fotonya HAVE FUN GUYS!!

lady gaga ft beyonce - Telephone

Lady GaGa feat Beyonce - Telephone Lyrics

[Lady Gaga]
Hello, hello, baby
You called, I cant hear a thing.
I have got no

in the club,yous see,see

Wha-Wha-What did you say?
Oh, youre breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
Im kinda busy.

K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry, I cannot hear you, Im kinda busy.

Just a second,
its my favorite song theyre gonna
And I cannot text you with
a drink in my hand, eh
You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you wont stop calling me;
Im kinda busy.

Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna
talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Im busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

Can call all you want,
but theres no one home,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want,
but theres no one home,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

Boy, the way you blowin up my
wont make me leave no faster.
Put my coat on faster,
leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home,
cause this is a disaster!
Callin like a collector -
sorry, I cannot answer!

Not that I dont like you,
Im just at a party.
And I am sick and tired
of my phone r-ringing.
Sometimes I feel like
I live in Grand Central Station.
Tonight Im not takin no calls,
cause Ill be dancin.

Cause Ill be dancin
Cause Ill be dancin
Tonight Im not takin no calls, cause Ill be dancin!

Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin, stop callin,
I dont wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Im busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh

Can call all you want,
but theres no one home,
youre not gonna reach my telephone!
Cause Im out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want,
but theres no one home,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!
Cause Im out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
Cause Im out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
Cause Im out in the club,
and Im sippin that bub,
and youre not gonna reach my telephone!

Were sorry the number you have reached is not in service at this time.
Please check the number, or try your call again

di serbu keluarga gilang part 2

ehm ehm... Huruf apa TUH d tangannya?



itu guntur...hahaha


gunTur? Yakien...? Hehehe tp emang gantengan guntr si drPd gilang! Hahaha wkKk


iya guntur...


waduUuh bsa jd perang saudara doOnk!






gk ko..wjajaj


lg libur or d skola?


hmm lg nunggu jemputan..hehehe


widiech.. 9ilang skrg dah jmpuT krumh yak? HebAt bner! Pke apa? SPEda?



haha....:D gk jemputran sekolah..wjajaj



DAH gdE msh pke jmpuTan yak!


jauh rumahnya...terus gk ada yg nganter..hehehe


naek angkot ajah?

or pke mtor?


hmm naik angkot gk berani sendiri..hehehehe naik motor gk ada yg nganter..


ya bwa sndri aTuh!




msa naek angkot gk brani sech?


hmm pernah sendiri tapi suka gk boleh sama mama..heheh


aiech.. Anak mama yak?


hahaha..:D gk tau tuh mama aku anak terakhir abisnya..heheh


oOh boNtot yak?

kakanya brapa?


ada dua




cewek,sama cwok..hehe


oO brarti cw 2 co 1, samaA doNk!

karina tw gk ini siapa?



aduUuh kga sopan! Dah ngbrol2 dia gk knal gw! Ah gk asyiek aCh., (mampus guaaa)


hehhe...sodaranya gilang gtu bener gk??hahaha

mantan paCrnya? Hahaha skrg ja lg hamil ank ptama? Hehe


aku off ya aku udh di jemput sama jemputan..hehehe

ada lg tapi gk sempet gua copy pokoknya katanya tantenya "bye bye" trs gua bilang "bye" juga terus dia nitip salam buat gilang trs suruh gua nanya ke gilang dia siapa....gtu....

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

muthia mojok!!!!!

(foto cwoknya gue coret2 biar gk ngamuk).hahahahahahaha

hei guys hati2 di salip muthia!!dia udh mojok nihh..cieee BCL..wjajaj
haha sebelahnya asraf ye mut??wkakak...SELAMAT dari KARINA TRIANDINI GAGA BIEBER DZULFIKAR ye mut...wkkakak

crazy with sister..:)

hahah gila2an gua sama kakak gua my name is FENIA DERIANTI!!!
padahal gua baru pulang sklh..tapi itu seru bgt..wjajaj
I love you sister ...:)

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

lady gaga

Poker Face, the reigning Queen pop diva Lady Gaga has opened up in an exclusvie interview with Rolling Stone. In the exclusive, Gaga talks about her racey image, her relationships with parents and men and even her bi-sexuality.


”The fact that I’m into women, they’re all intimidated by it,” she told the magazine. “It makes them uncomfortable. They’re like, ‘I don’t need to have a threesome, I’m happy with just you.’ “


“…My music’s not going to wake up tomorrow morning and tell me it doesn’t love me anymore,” she explained. “So I’m content with being alone. I choose to have someone in my life when I can.”


“I’ve always been Gaga,” she said. “It’s just that all the years of schooling and being in a Catholic environment and living in a place where we were kind of told what was the right way to be, I suppressed all those eccentricities about myself so I could fit in. Once I was free, I was able to be myself. I pulled her out of me, and I found that all of the things about myself that I so desperately tried to suppress for so many years were the very things that all my art and music friends thought were so lovely about me, so I embraced them.”


Gaga recently reconciled with her father (who initially rejected his daughter’s persona and life) and has a wonderful relationship with mother.

“She’d tell me, ‘Little baby girl, you can be whatever you want, and you are beautiful and you are talented and you could rule the world,’ ” Gaga said.

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

my name is MR.DJOKO!!!

hei GUYS!!!
gue mau ngasih tau ada guru matematika gua yg seru!!!hahahahha dia suka ngelawak gk jelas gtu.hahaha tapi seru!!!!mana gue di kenal lg sama dia SETAN!!!!but he was a very great teacher! walaupun pa djoko kadang2 ngeselin tapi...gpplah..

i ♥ suri cruise

hei guys!!!!!

I like Suri Cruise and I hope she grows up to be a nice successful person. There is no arguing that Suri Cruise is very cute. She cute because she’s dressed like a little girl without being too flowery or fussy. Think about it, Suri has great hair, both of her parents have thick brown hair. Usually little girls have pig tails sticking out the sides of their head. Learn from Suri: hair is your best accessory!Although we didn’t see her for the first part of her life she’s turned out to be one of the worlds most recognized faces since she was presented to the world on the cover of Vanity Fair. She also was #1 on Forbes’ second annual list of the most influential celebrity tots!

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

i ♥ es cream...:)

I love ice cream .. hmmm sweet, cold ... I usually do to relieve stress I eat ice cream ...

you can try if you want guys!!!!